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A Letter To My Younger Self

Dear Younger Mark,

As you grow up, things will happen in life which will seemingly knock you backward. You are not damaged or broken because of this.

You are coping the best way you can as someone that was lacking the tools and support to deal with adversity in life. You are not a mistake. Sadness will try to embed itself into your mind. But do not let it weigh you down. Make sure to speak to someone and share its' load. And at the end of the day, when you feel mentally tired, please remember that you are not alone.

You’re allowed to cut toxic people out of your life. Even if you’ve known them a long time, or are related to them. Removing them creates that significant space that will pull in supportive and healthy people faster than you think.

Never lose that inner child in you. It doesn't matter how old you get. That inner child is where your creative ideas come from and the excitement you feel while bringing those ideas to life.

You will have some of the best ideas, but DO NOT wait on anything to act on those ideas. You will see that waiting will hold you back.

Jump on it quickly.

Find out what makes you happy and pursue that every day.

Once you do, things will start to feel at ease because what you were looking for has been with you all this time. Enjoy the journey of figuring that out.

Even in the hard times, you will gain a new level of wisdom from all of it. Embrace all of it. Just know that you have a gift and will experience certain events, insights, and visions that are vivid. Trust that.

Believe me on this…….please take your time with that "L" word(love).

Listen to what people say early on, so you don’t get disappointed later on by their actions.

Think long-term love. Don’t get complacent with love. Don’t settle for it too early because your temporarily comfortable and think this is how it’s supposed to be. Give your type of love to someone who actually deserves it.

Just when you thought you should give up on it. Go ahead and love one more time. It'll be worth it, trust me.

Focus your energy on what you can control because your true happiness lies in your ability to be smart and reflective according to circumstances. Don’t allow other people situations to defer you from your goals. You aren’t responsible for others’ happiness. You can be there and support them however you can, but you can do everything right and still not be able to help/fix their situation.

Learn to choose purpose over comfort. Anything you can think of has a purpose for everything under the sun, including you.

Make no apologies for who you truly are. This is Me!

Yours Truly,

Older Mark

What's one thing you'd tell your younger self if you could?

Tell me in the comments. I would love to read every single one, and I'd love to know!

~ Mark Vision